Diagnosing vision problems in children

In France, according to the law, the sight of the baby must be checked on the 8th day of life, at the 9th month and at 2 years. His possible vision problems are then screened at the school. He is necessary to carry out these screenings from the first months of the child in order to treat and correct more easily his vision problems.

Childhood screening

Risk factors

It is important to take into consideration the different personal and family backgrounds of the parents in order to better treat the child's vision problems.
Personal history:
– Prematurity, brain damage
– Low birth weight (less than 1500g)
– Deafness
– Neuromotor disorders, BMI
– Chromosomal abnormalities (trisomy 21)
– Craniostenosis, craniofacial dysostosis
– Embryofoetopathies (toxoplasmosis…)
– In utero exposure to cocaine, alcohol

Family history :
– Strabismus

The warning signs of a vision disorder

call board sign blurred vision

It is important to always pay attention to the presence of a strabismus in children, especially if the deviated eye is always the same. The attending physician will take care to carry out the necessary examinations to best treat the child's vision and will advise a specialist if he cannot correct the present disorder on his own.

The eye exam

In order to put the child in good conditions by limiting any stress , it will be received in a calm atmosphere with soft light. If he is still small, he can sit on the lap of his companion during the test. This examination will make it possible to detect a possible vision problem and to correct it as best as possible. Once the child is older and goes to school, he will have to carry out a color test at his doctor's office or in the presence of the school medicine in his school .