Digital devices are part of everyday life which induces a redistribution of the five senses; Indeed hearing, taste, touch and smell lose importance compared to sight .

It is common for users of digital screens (smartphones, tablets, computers , e-readers) to experience visual discomfort related to fatigue : tearing, headaches, feeling of heaviness, blurred or fluctuating vision, irritated eyes, neck pain and back, feeling of dust in the eyes, etc.
One of these symptoms bothers you, you can blame your devices!

Nearly 90% of users spend two or more hours looking at a digital device per day. One in 10 people spend nearly 75% of their waking hours staring at a screen, and our eyes aren't made for that!
After 40 years with the onset of presbyopia, focusing in near vision is increasingly complex, it generates problematic reading and eye fatigue which is accentuated by the use of screens and blue light emissions. Not handling these tools has become impossible, which is why we offer you some solutions to relieve this fatigue

  • The 20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break while looking away
  • Position your screen correctly to avoid reflections and induced glare.
  • Place your screen a good distance from your eyes: the palm of your hand should touch the screen with your arm extended.
  • Wear special computer and anti-blue light reading glasses :

Varionet offers computer glasses equipped with degressive lenses designed for digital life. With corrections from +1.00 to +3.50, these are the ideal computer glasses for presbyopia, you can read, see your screen or your colleague with a single pair of glasses ! For more comfort, opt for the Cool Blue anti-blue light anti-reflective coating. Anti-blue light presbyopic glasses improve contrast, reduce visual fatigue, protect you from UV and toxic blue-violet radiation.

Whatever your desires, your budget, you will find the pair of computer reading glasses that suits you...