Your pupillary distance
Since September 18, 2014, following the Hamon law , ophthalmologists are required to take and write the value of your pupillary distance on your prescription. If your doctor forgets, do not hesitate to remind him.
You can add this measurement in the " comments to the seller " tab of your shopping cart. By default, all our glasses are mounted according to the average values of the pupillary distances for near vision: 62 mm for men and 59 mm for women.
If you do not know this data, several solutions are available to you:
- You can measure your pupillary distance with an app via your phone. For example, EyeMeasure for Apple devices or Live PD calculator on Google Play. There are several, it's up to you to choose the one that suits you best.
- You can find it on an old optical invoice generally in the form of a ½ gap:
½ ED and ½ EG , as follows:
- You can send us an old pair of glasses which we will return to you with your order.
- You can send us a photo of yourself, taken with a ruler, a credit card or better still with our downloadable ruler card.
Print the ruler card and cut it out (even roughly) following the dotted lines (after cutting, it should be approximately 8.5 x 5.5 cm) or do the same with a credit card, health card, etc.
Ask someone close to you to take a picture of you about 40 cm from the lens, if possible with the flash.
Stand up straight, looking straight ahead at eye level, keeping your head straight.
Be careful not to look to the sides, up, down or put an eye forward...
Place the ruler card:
- horizontally
- above your eyes at the brow line
- flat without following the curve of your forehead
Ask the person taking your photo to stand in front of you with the lens at eye level.
When in doubt, take several photos and send us the clearest one with
your name and order number via the Contact page
And to download your rule card , click below!